Thursday, October 25, 2007

State Of Our Earth, Presented in Graphics

BBC has done a great job in reporting UN's latest Global Environment Outlook report, So even I can understand it at a glance! ;)
According to same report our long-term problems including climate change, pollution, access to clean water, and the threat of mass extinctions are being met with "a remarkable lack of urgency".
This very extensive analysis points out our problems and solutions. As a Planet, we can improve the state of the planet!

Update: Sorry for forgetting to add the link!
Go feast your eyes hopefully change the minds of everyone around you who thinks there are no global crisis.

GEO4 Global Environmental Outlook , UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)
(This is a fairly large file (22MB) and needs a Adobe reader or compatible viewer.)


madmaxx13 said...

Pretty clear however I think they have the legend on the last graph backwards. The red line should be humanities impact

ravenII said...

I thought so first as well but closer inspection revealed that Y axis is showing number of Earths.
Yes they could have done little better! Those crazy scientists!! ;)