Monday, December 25, 2006

Novak tries to find his right bolt, the energy bolt

BluClimate blog has a very good analysis of the columnists like Robert Novak stand in the light of global warming and energy policies. For years they had a easy run because the political climate in the United States of America. But since last elections, even with faulty voting machines, Democrats have won. Now I hope things will start changing as ties to energy companies and congress will be seriously different. As the mentioned article states, hope United States will be united with rest of the world in saving our planet, in movements like Kyoto Protocol.
I just wrote about global warming witness' like Mitsuaki Iwago bt then people like Robert Novak too are in this world pulling the other end of the rope, and I like to see more columnists like BlueClimate exposing their blows to the healthier world. If you are world concious, I am sure you will find BlueClimate a very good read.

Columnist Robert Novak Feels the Pain in his right...
global warming witness

Global Warming Witness, Iwago, Mitsuaki

I cane across this site, “A Witness to Global Warming - Mitsuaki Iwago’s Website”, today that I spent my whole morning, going through the site, watching movies and thinking about the global warming.
I strongly urge you to visit this site and see the marvelous work done by a wild life enthusiastic. I got there because of my camera, after seeing his work on this site and else where, I wonder why "my camera does not work very well, even though mine is two or three models newer than his!"

Global warming could change climates throughout the world, raise ocean levels and bring more violent hurricanes, desertification, coral bleaching, and unseasonable rain and snow. These events would create serious problems for mankind and wild animals.

Mitsuaki Iwago has been photographing wild animals in their natural habitats for decades. His keen powers of observation and unique insight focus on the dangers that global warming poses to the natural world.

Visit “A Witness to Global Warming - Mitsuaki Iwago’s Website” to enjoy his special movies and high-quality digital photos shot with the Olympus E-1. Through his eyes and camera lenses, you too can be a witness to the effects of climate change.

Global Warming Witness, Iwago, Mitsuaki

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Hope sun will shine your way! Have a great holiday!

I hope Santa will come your way and Your holiday will be filled with laughter and Joy. If you pass by an unfortunate person, please try to make him/her smile. Don't forget that all the Kids are the same!

Best Regards!
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Venturi Eclectic OIL Independeant Vehicle, Solar and Wind Powered

Soaring gas prices, economic crises, wars, omnipresent pollution, irreversible changes in the climate… Our world is going through a period when the stakes in terms of energy form the very basis for worldwide chaos. While admitting that no solution for energy production can be perfect, we must become fully aware of the imperative need to limit our own personal consumption of energy.

Eclectic, the first autonomous vehicle in the history of the automobile, opens up a new era in the field of mobility : reserved for daily driving in urban areas, its low energy consumption makes it the most economical environmental vehicle ever built.

Innovative and astonishing, Eclectic is much more than a simple vehicle ; it is a production and storage plant for renewable energies, either solar or wind based. Charging of these energies, which is intermittent in certain regions, can also be complemented by electrical recharging.

This new solar and wind powered vehicle is energy independent to the extent that it is able to acquire the energy it needs on its own. For sunny days it has a solar panel on its roof, and for days without sun, if there is wind, a wind turbine can be erected to charge the battery. But for moments when both sun and wind is not enough, the renewable energy sources can also be complemented by electrical recharging by plugging in to an electric outlet.


echoMOD, one house at a time, by ecological design

I learned about a nice project by university of Virginia, ecoMOD, through a post on the worlds fair. echoMOD seems to be a project that we should hope will spread in to other areas of studies at universities and the like. The echoMOD's target, according to website is "The ecoMOD project is embedded in the curriculum of the University of Virginia, and is intended to create well-built homes that cost less to live in, minimize damage to the environment and appreciate over time."

echoMOD has already built a house under this program for a family affected by hurricane Katrina, for a family in Gautier, Mississippi.

Each completed house is to be monitored and evaluated carefully, with the results guiding the designs of subsequent houses.

Newly built low-income single-family homes tend to be trailers or some variant of manufactured or prefabricated housing. These homes may be affordable and easily installed in various locations, but they tend to be built in ways that waste resources and encourage indoor air quality problems. Most of them are sited without any consideration of solar or wind orientation, or local hydrology. The buildings themselves are aggressively 'site-less' – seemingly adaptable to any environment, yet entirely separate from their surroundings.

In contrast, the intent of the ecoMOD designs is to create site-specific homes using natural lighting and ventilation, non-hazardous materials, renewable energy, and energy-efficient systems to help reduce environmental impact and improve occupant health.
The other areas of engineering studies could also take part in this type of projects. Material design, Electrical Engineering, social sciences, could all come together to make this world a better place. If all at once is not possible, one at a time will do.

echoMOD project site
The worlds Fair

Monday, December 04, 2006

Oil Giant Venezuela goes Solar, on the streets.

Solar enegy panel powered lights now line Avenida Bolivar in central Caracas.
Credit: Michael Fox

Michael Fox at reports that Venezuela has entered solar energy phase. I think making solar powered street lights is one way to go. Although I do not like politics of Venezuela, I do like their thoughts about energy alternatives. This is a country that did not have to worry about running out of oil for a while.

Highlighting one of the first initiatives of the recently launched Mission Energy Revolution, 73 new solar-powered lamp posts where installed last week along Bolivar Avenue in downtown Caracas. Venezuela has plans to multiply the pilot project around the country.

“Can you see these structures all along Bolivar Avenue?” President Hugo Chavez asked hundreds of thousands of his supporters on Sunday, from the stage on the Western side of the avenue. “Above, they have two panels, they are solar energy cells, or better said, cells to capture the energy of the sun. They accumulate the energy throughout the day, and with that we are illuminating Bolivar Avenue at night.

Chavez announced that he saw the solar panel project in action when he was in Vietnam and ordered Energy and Petroleum Minister, Rafael Ramirez to set it up in Venezuela.

Michaels report