Monday, December 25, 2006

Novak tries to find his right bolt, the energy bolt

BluClimate blog has a very good analysis of the columnists like Robert Novak stand in the light of global warming and energy policies. For years they had a easy run because the political climate in the United States of America. But since last elections, even with faulty voting machines, Democrats have won. Now I hope things will start changing as ties to energy companies and congress will be seriously different. As the mentioned article states, hope United States will be united with rest of the world in saving our planet, in movements like Kyoto Protocol.
I just wrote about global warming witness' like Mitsuaki Iwago bt then people like Robert Novak too are in this world pulling the other end of the rope, and I like to see more columnists like BlueClimate exposing their blows to the healthier world. If you are world concious, I am sure you will find BlueClimate a very good read.

Columnist Robert Novak Feels the Pain in his right...
global warming witness

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