Sunday, October 28, 2007

LUZ shines again as LUZ II, Brightly.

Arnold J. Goldman, (64) is the founder of Luz International, which since it was founded in 1984, has designed, developed, built, financed, and operated nine solar power plants in California's Mojave desert. It was a pioneer in proving that solar energy is a reliable way to produce electricity commercially, even at times of peak consumption.
These nine plants are still operating, supplying 350 megawatts of power to Southern California. But Luz International, the company that deployed them on the plains of Nevada, was less fortunate. In 1991, despite being the sole commercial developer of thermal electricity in the US, it went bankrupt after failing to secure the necessary funding for the construction of its tenth power plant.
But just like the sun rise, LUZ has come back again as LUZ II.
Globe, Israel, interviewed the gentleman after he recreated Luz, LUZ II. Luz II is a subsidiary of BrightSource Energy Inc.of Oakland California, which is owned by Goldman. Follow the link for a swath of information and the interview that reveals what is the past, present and the future of LUZ or LUZ II.

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