Saturday, February 03, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth, seen again

A fishing fleet! where is the water and fish. Watch the movie and you will know

I just finished watching "An Inconvenient Truth", again.
Remember the DVD was released a year after the movie was finalized and released. The truth continue to warm our planet and we still behind in our duties to protect our earth.
If the moronic idea of us to be the best on earth regarding everything else, why not this. The technology and knowledge we have we use for advancement and yet we remain the largest polluter on earth. more than 30% of the pollution has been attributed to USA.

I think, every human being need to see this movie even only if to strengthen the knowledge we have. Share the movie with your friends, inform your friends about the movie.
Watch and follow simple steps to reduce pollution by yourself instead of waiting for dumb politicians to sign in to Kyoto Protocol.
The following ten steps are taken from the website.

1. Change a regular light bulb to a Fluorescent bulb (I have changed to at least 8.)
2. Drive a little less (I do)
3. Recycle as much as possible. (I do)
4. Check your tires. Keeping them inflated right will save gas.
5. Use less hot water.
6. Buy products with less packaging, bring a bag when you go shopping.
7. Adjust your thermostat just a 2 degrees, down in winter and up in summer.
8. Plant a tree
9. Turn off electronic devices when not in use.
10. Teach people about global warming.

An Inconvenient Truth

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