Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Get tax breaks for your efficiency in energy management

This Tax year, you can get a tax break for being energy efficient. Tax year 2006 is the first for which you can get a tax break for making your home more energy efficient.

You can take a 30 percent credit up to $2,000 for the cost of solar water heating or photovoltaic equipment in your home. You can get a 10 percent credit up to $500 for insulation and heat-reducing metal roofs, and up to $200 for energy-efficient windows. Labor costs, though, don't count.

(For more information, see IRS Form 5695. The credit is entered on line 52 on the 1040.)

This is an excerpt from an article on CNNmoney, "10 don't-miss tax breaks" which gives you much more information on other tax breaks.

10 don't-miss tax breaks

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