Tuesday, April 08, 2008

NanoPower Solar Window to Address the Energy Crisis .

Octillion Corp.’s NanoPower Solar Window to Address the Energy Crisis

The rapid growth of population as well as economic development in Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America is driving a rapid expansion of world energy use … The scarcity and non-renewable status of the most important energy sources are making the high energy price environment to become a permanent feature of current reality.

In addressing the energy price challenges, energy technology innovation must play the leading role. Technology advancements can offer a solution to the world energy crisis by offering environmentally friendly and reliable energy source alternatives that meet the world’s basic energy needs and provide sustainable basis for economic development.

Octillion Corp. is a technology incubator currently developing a patent-pending technology that could adapt existing home and office glass windows into ones capable of generating electricity from solar energy without losing significant transparency or requiring major changes in manufacturing infrastructure.
Octillion reported that the process of producing silicon nanoparticles is supported by 10 issued U.S. patents, seven pending U.S. patents, two issued foreign counterpart patents and 19 pending foreign counterpart patents. The company’s current research efforts target refining the process of the deposition of silicon nanoparticles onto glass, quality control and consistent replication of lab-scale samples.
In March 2008, Octillion announced that it succeeded in replacing previously established protocols for producing lab-scale prototypes; a traditionally time-consuming and cumbersome process for depositing nanoparticles onto glass has been successfully replaced with a faster, cost-effective and commercially available deposition technology. This advancement will allow the company to accelerate the NanoPower Window technology development and move from the laboratory to larger-scale testing and production.
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