Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Earth: The Sequal, Don't Wait For It, Read It Now

I just started reading the book, Earth: The Sequel and I am getting to like it. It is just like the author said and I am not going to spill the beans until I finish the book. So here is an excerpt from what the author had to say and you can read more by following the link at the end!.

"Earth: The Sequel is about hope, invention, ingenuity, entrepreneurialism, capital markets, commerce, and profit. These are words that most people don't think of when they hear the term "global warming," and they especially don't expect to hear them coming from me. After all, I'm an environmental lawyer running one of the country's most respected and influential environmental groups, advocating for good environmental policy.

I wrote this book because, after 20 years of studying global warming and trying to craft solutions to stop it, I know that government policy alone is not the answer. Enacting a hard cap on carbon will play a key supporting role, but the starring role belongs to American commerce."

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