Thursday, January 17, 2019

Google Is Deploying Data Centers In South Eastern USA And Powering With 413 Megawatts Of Power From Two Mega Solar Farms.

No they are not lakes, they are Solar Farms

There are a lot of activities going on in Tennessee and northern Alabama. A multitude of workers, engineers, electricians and construction workers are building two new, energy-efficient Google data center campuses in these two South eastern states in the U.S.A.
So what is the difference these Data Centers bring? Among and in addition to the jobs and help to these states to rise, sustainability. Google is putting more carbon-free energy on the electric grid that will power their data centers in the area.
Also in the works are to purchase the output of several new solar farms as part of a deal with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), totaling 413 megawatts of power from 1.6 million solar panels. This is equivalent of combined size of 65,000 home rooftop solar systems. So these Solar farms will make these state's production of energy, green. These farms will help Google go 100% renewable energy driven from start of the production of the said data centers.

The two biggest solar farms are located in Hollywood, Alabama and Yum Yum, Tennessee. These  farms will produce about 150 megawatts each. These solar sites will be among the largest renewable energy projects in the Tennessee Valley region, and the largest solar farms ever to be built for Google.

As mentioned before, these solar farms does more than provide a cost-effective way to procure clean power. It will also create economic benefits for Tennessee and northern Alabama. TVA’s developer partners—NextEra Energy Resources and Invenergy—will hire hundreds of workers in the region, make long-term lease payments to property owners, and generate millions of dollars in economic activity and tax revenue for the broader community.
Google blog

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