Monday, October 30, 2006

Household water saving Peoject started

New project targeting water usage and water savings in households is on the way in Australia. This project planed to span over three years will gather data, and will provide "bullet Proof" solutions to todays problems in water usage in households.
According to Project leader, Dr Rodney Stewart;
"Until now there has been little hard, specific data available on the effect of different water saving technologies on household consumption.

"Government rebates on items such as tanks and whitegoods are vital to encourage consumers to buy water-saving technology and this study will enable governments to prioritise which technology to subsidise."

The project will involve selecting 100 homes with average-to-high water use in South East Queensland, a region pinpointed as Australia’s fastest growing metropolitan area, and one under massive pressure to meet escalating domestic water demand.

They will collect and analyse data from before and after the installation of the water saving devices then present the findings to local and state government water authorities nationwide.

This will also enable water authorities to tackle the massive water loss that occurs in the supply system before the water even reaches homes.

"Up to 10 per cent of Australia’s drinking water is lost through pressure leaks in the system before it even reaches us," Dr Stewart said.
I think this is not only a problem in Australia but everywhere and any solution this research will benefit all of us.

Project press release

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