Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Google Takes Frog Out Of The Pot With Clean Energy.

If you ever hear the phrase ""A frog in water doesn't feel it boil in time. Dude, we are that frog."" regarding climate change, good you are on our side. Otherwise you can visit grist.org and educate yourself a little more.
But Google and its green initiative has taken another step to take us, frogs out of the pot that might boil in time. Google has already done some work regarding going green and staying green.
But the new initiative is to generate one Gigawatt of electricity, renewable energy, cheaper than burning coal. The project is known as RE>C.
Even though engineers are the core of this research an development, Google also sees the need to promote the technology through government initiatives and by advancing a policy agenda to stimulate clean energy projects.
Google is also putting money where the mouth is and have already spent closer to $45 Million towards solar thermal, advanced wind, and enhanced geothermal technologies through google.org.
So even if Google does not pull us all out of the pot, it might teach us how to jump out it.
You will find more information at;
Official Google Blog: Building a future that's clean and green

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