Thursday, March 08, 2007

Berkeley ranked 3rd in cleantech by Sustanlane Government

SustainLane Government just released its ranking of top US cities for cleantech incubation clusters. Which cities are the best candidates to be the center of 21st century cleantech economic development?

According to the site, cleantech refers to venture-capital (VC) funded investment for sustainability related industry sectors such as renewable energy, alternative fuels, energy efficiency, green building, advanced materials, nanotechnology and material reuse.
Berkeley got to be in the third place after Austin, Texas and San Jose, California, due to, according to the post;
3. Berkeley, CA: Another Bay Area city? Yep, UC Berkeley just landed a $500 million grant from British Petroleum, with additional funding from the state of California, so the Biosciences Energy Institute can become “the biofuels capital of the universe,” according to a managing scientist with institute partner Lawrence Berkeley Labs. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is another partner.

Well I am happy and you should visit the sites below, they are very informative sites if you are trying to be Green.

Cleantech at SustainLane Government
SustainLane Government

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